Benefits Of Buying A Used Car
There are a lot of questions you have to ask yourself when it comes time to purchase a new car. The first question that you should ask yourself is if you want to buy a brand new car or a used one. Last week, we discussed the benefits of buying a new vehicle , however, there are benefits to buying used as well. So this week, to help you make a well-rounded decision, here are the benefits to purchasing a used vehicle. 1. Lower Price Tag While it's nice to own a brand new car that no one has ever owned before with that glorious new car smell and feel, it comes at a cost. That new car smell, brand new upholstery and single digit mileage don't come cheap either. The difference between a used car and a new car is around $20,000 on average. 2. Less Depreciation Not only are new cars more expensive, they also start losing value the moment you drive it off the lot. In addition to losing a large portion of their value immediately, when you own a new car, even normal wear and tea...