Insider's Guide to Upping Your Trade-In Value

When you sell or trade-in your vehicle, you'll want to get as much money for your used vehicle as you can. Getting the best money for your trade-in is a process, though; if there's even a slight chance that you might sell or trade-in your vehicle in the future (and for most of us, there almost always is), then you should start making preparations now to increase the value of your car. Here are some simple suggestions for how to get started.

Keep Your Records Organized
Cars are worth more when they have been regularly maintained and well cared-for. You may have routinely gotten your oil changed and your tires rotated, but it won't do you any good if you can't prove it! Put together a folder and put all your receipts and records of maintenance in it. You'll thank yourself later!

Make Repairs
If your vehicle is in need of some minor repairs (new windshield wipers or a new bulb for the taillight, for example) you'll always be better off making the repairs sooner than later. Making small repairs as they come up will keep each individual bill from the mechanic smaller and more manageable, and cars in good working order are worth more than cars that aren't. 

Take Care Of Your Paint
Prolonged sun exposure, pollen, dirt, dust, bird droppings, and other natural elements can all take their toll on your vehicle's paint job. Take care of your paint by regularly washing your car and intermittently adding a wax coating for an extra layer of protection. If you wash your car at home, be sure to avoid dish detergents and standard hand soaps - they are not designed to clean paint finishes and may cause damage. Use detergents specifically designed for vehicles.

You should also keep a small bottle of touch-up paint on hand so you can cover unsightly marks and scratches. This is especially important if your paint chips through to the metal body of your car, because the uncovered metal can rust. Touch up these marks as soon as you see them.

Buff Your Headlights
Have you ever noticed how gradual wear and tear can dull your vehicle's plastic headlight covers? Keeping these covers buffed and bright will work wonders for increasing your car's value - and it will make it safer for you to drive at night in the meantime.

Questions? Contact Hulett Chevrolet-Buick-GMC!
If you have questions about maintaining your vehicle, don't hesitate to reach out to our Lake of the Ozarks auto service department! Our friendly staff has the knowledge and the skills you need to keep your car in top condition. We look forward to working with you!

The Team at Hulett Chevrolet Buick GMC

513 N. Business Route 5
Camdenton, MO  65020
Sales: 573.317.4197
Service:  573.317.4195


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